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Tatarus is the husband of Gaea, the Greek goddess of the Earth. Tatarus is the spirit of the abyss in the Underworld and the body of the abyss. He is also the father of all giants with the giants mother being Gaea. Tatarus is the abyss where all mythological monsters go when they are defeated by demigods/heroes who are the children of the Gods.

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What happened to kronos after the gods defeated him?

Kronos was chopped up and thrown in to Tatarus

What is the story of when Zeus eats Athena's mom?

In previous generations the three Grae sisters gave prophecies to Urannus that his children would one day over throw him thus he lock then in Tatarus. Later when over threw by his children they gave the same prohysey to Kronus who then ate his children to prevent this but in the end he was over threw by his children. When Zeus became kingf of the gods he again had the same prohpysee. SO when his lover Metis was prgnant he ate her to stop this childd from taking his place. Later however Zeus sufferd from tremendous headachs until he had enough so Hephestus was called and split his head open with an axe and out sprung Athena fully fully dressed in her battle armour.

Why Cronus is important?

Cronus is important because he is a titan, and because of that, there's a big role. Cronus, besides being a titan, is also Zeus's father. however, he is important mainly because of the fact that he is the one that gave his father, sky, the vengeance that his mother, gala (Earth) felt that he needed. When he done this, he was labeled a titan by sky along with the rest of his siblings, although they didn't join him in the act. they only knew of it. but for Cronus, he became the king, and married his sister, Rhea. Rhea, however was somewhat unfortunate because each child she had, Cronus would simply swallow it whole, leaving her to weep for her child. Gaia, eventually helped due to the fact that she felt sorrowful to her grandchildren getting swallowed by Cronus all the time. But the reason for why Cronus was doing this, is because he was advised by his parents that one day a son would take over the throne. So anyway, Gaia told Rhea to give birth in a secret place, and then clothe a stone or rock in clothes so it would resemble a baby. When that day came, Cronus demanded the baby and then Rhea simply gave it to him, and in return, her child was hidden, to which was indeed a boy, and it was Zeus. Zeus was hidden from his father until he became a strong young man, and he rose up against Cronus. Cronus would end up vomiting the stone up, letting go of all of his children to which rebelled against him as well. This, however, lead to a war. Titans against the new generation of gods. This would go on for ten years, until Zeus freed the Cyclops from Tatarus , and because of this, they were grateful, and they helped him and the others fight. The titans obvoiusly lost and then zeus gained the throne. no one after that would be able to beat zeus though.

Related questions

What is in the tomb of tatarus in the lightening thief?

Kronos, who is Zeus's and Poseidon's and Hades's father.

What happened to kronos after the gods defeated him?

Kronos was chopped up and thrown in to Tatarus

Did cronus come back to life?

well of course because he came back from Tatarus if you know what i mean

Who are the two main titans?

Um Cronos is one. He's the one who ate his kids. All but Zeus and Zeus came back, killed him, chopped him to pieces and threw his pieces in the pit of Tatarus in the Und3rworld.

Where is the commissioner in dragon quest monster joker?

go to infern isle and go to the unbroken seal. get inside the tartarus but first u will have to defeat the incarnus first. after defeating it u can get it back on your team. inside the tatarus, fourth level you can find the commisioner.

What was the name of kronos' father and what happened to him?

Kronos Farther was called Uranos and he was the sky. when he was the titans were born uranos imprisoned them to Tatarus. but Gaia (kronos mother) released kronos and kronos disemboweled uranos and out of his blood came the giants and the fury's. his seamen fell into the sea which created the sea foam and out of the sea foam came Aphrodite.

How does Zeus make thunder?

In Greek mythology, Zeus makes thunder by wielding his weapon, the thunderbolt. He produces thunder by throwing the thunderbolt from his hand, which creates a loud booming sound. This is how Zeus is traditionally depicted as the god of thunder and lightning.

Where is the commisioner on DQM joker?

Go to infern isle and the temple that leads into the mountain should have the 2 eyes glowing then walk through the gate that was locked and you can get to tartarus (dark matter mountain) get to the top and You will fight dr.snapped after a little storyline this a team i done it with Atlas Drakulard (make sure it have kerplunk and a great defence with kabuff) Zoma if the zoma and atlas die use kerplunk when the drakulard is about to die then you can finish him

Who is the camp leader in camp half blood?

Chiron the centaurEdit: actually hes the activities director...Dinyseouse (unsure how to spell name) is the camp director as for leader there are several! one for each cabin.EDIT: In The Lost Hero and The Son of Neptune, it is mentioned that Percy Jackson is the leader of Camp Half-Blood.

What is the story of when Zeus eats Athena's mom?

In previous generations the three Grae sisters gave prophecies to Urannus that his children would one day over throw him thus he lock then in Tatarus. Later when over threw by his children they gave the same prohysey to Kronus who then ate his children to prevent this but in the end he was over threw by his children. When Zeus became kingf of the gods he again had the same prohpysee. SO when his lover Metis was prgnant he ate her to stop this childd from taking his place. Later however Zeus sufferd from tremendous headachs until he had enough so Hephestus was called and split his head open with an axe and out sprung Athena fully fully dressed in her battle armour.

What is the difference between bottomless pit and hell?

First of all, one has to understand that there are 3 greek words that are translated "hell" in the New Testament in the King James Bible which I firmly believe is the most accurate bible version. The 10 times that Hades is translated "hell", it refers to a place where an unsaved, Christ rejector goes immediately upon dying, it is a place of torment deep in the earth, and the 12 times that the Greek word Gehenna is translated "hell", it refers to the lake of fire that all the occupants of hell and even hell itself will be cast into at the end of the Great White Throne Judgment as scripture says. Now, the Greek word Tatarus is only translated "hell" only once, and that refers to the bottomless pit which is the lowest part of Hades where there are some fallen angels imprisoned there now as stated in 2 Peter 2:4 in the New Testament, and where Satan himself will be imprisoned at the end of this age. The bottomless pit is a place only for fallen angels and for Satan, but hades which is translated hell as stated earlier is a place for human lost souls which is above the bottomless pit.

What gift does Luke give to Percy?

Flying shoes. He can't use them because the doesn't know how to use them.