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The English equivalent of the Latin word luna is moon. By extension, the word may go on to mean a 'night', or a 'month'. Additionally, the word describes a crescent-shaped ornament that Roman senators wore on their shoes. And the word is applied to the goddess of the moon, who is Selene and then Artemis in the earlier, ancient, classical Greek; and Luna and then Diana in ancient, classical Latin.

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Q: What is the English word for the Latin word 'Luna'?
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Latin word for moon?

In Germanic languages (including English) the name of the moon does not refer to a Roman god. She was Luna, which we see in Italian luna or French lune.However, there are derivatives of Luna in English: lunarexpeditions, lunatic (meaning moonstruck).

What is the Latin word of the moon?

The Latin word for moon is "luna."

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Where does the name Luna originate?

"Luna" is the Latin word for "moon."

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The Luna was named after the Roman moon goddess, Luna.

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Nova Luna; nova means new, Luna means moon.

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I think the word for moon in latin is Luna. I'm not latin, so i cant be sure.

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We generally call it the "Moon" in English, but "Luna" in Latin or "Selene" in Greek would also be correct. "Luna" as a word for the Moon is the root word for "lunatic" as a crazy person - who has gone mad by staring at the Moon for too long.

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ルナ ru・na [pronounced as Luna]

What is the meaning of the name Luna?

The Latin word Luna means "moon" in English. It usually refers to the satellite that orbits the Earth, though it can also refer to varied items like a Roman goddess or a nutritional bar which are both named Luna.