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Q: What is the Gas that composes most of a baby star?
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What is the proper chemical for gas?

The most common gas is nitrogen, which composes most of the atmosphere. But almost any chemical can be a gas. Chemicals which normally are liquid or solid, can vaporize at higher temperatures (although some will decompose before they vaporize).

Where would a new star most likely form?

A new star would most likely form in a region of space called a stellar nursery, found within dense interstellar clouds of gas and dust. These clouds provide the necessary materials and conditions for the gravitational collapse of the gas to occur, leading to the birth of a new star.

What gas is most likely to make up the star of bethleham?

The "Star of Bethlehem" mentioned in the Bible is believed to be a conjunction of planets rather than a single star. There is no specific gas composition associated with it. The bright light associated with the "Star of Bethlehem" could have been a natural astronomical event.

What composes Saturn's rings?

The answer to this question is GAS. Saturn's rings are made of thick layers of multiple gasses.

What gas mostly composes the sun?

The sun's marjor gas is hydrogyen and oxgen which by the way when mixed create a sun flare. Don't Try it at home.

Which gas is most likely to make up the majority of the star of Bethlehem?

It isn't quite clear what kind of phenomenon produced the Star of Bethlehem. Perhaps it wasn't even a star, but something else. The gas that makes up most of a star - assuming it was an actual star, of course - is usually hydrogen; but if it was a supernova explosion - which, once again, isn't known - a supernova has already converted most of the hydrogen to heavier elements.

Isn't the coumpounds of Saturn and most gas giants similar to your star the sun?

Actually, yes!

What force is most responsible for the contraction of a gas cloud?

Gravitational force is the most responsible for the contraction of a gas cloud. As gravity pulls gas particles closer together, the cloud becomes denser and eventually leads to the formation of a star or stellar system.

Is a star a glowing sphere of hot gas?

Yes, a star is a glowing sphere of hot gas.

What is a dusty and gaseous material orbiting a star called?

It is most likely to be the stars jet trail of burned out gas which then began to orbit the star itself because of its immense mass.

What is another name for a flaming ball of gas?

Another name for a flaming ball of gas is a star.