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She has silver hair, a silver Grecian dress, and often is floating in pictures because she is thought to be the Goddess of the Moon

Selene is the Greek goddess of the moon. She has silvery hair and her skin is very pale. She has a silvery dress. After her brother the sun sets, Selene rises from the ocean and rides in a silvery chariot across the sky. The chariot is pulled by milky-white horses. Selene is symbolized by a crescent moon or a torch.

Celene(her name is usually spelt with a C) is the Greek goddess of the night. Her hair is discribed as either silver as starlight or dark as night/midnight, her skin is pale as moonlight. She is usually painted wearing a silver flowing Grecian dress. Her pose is usually floating in the night sky or riding her chariote pulled by two shining white horses as she tosses stars onto the night sky or brings the dark sky over the light sky of day. She is also the god of birth and death.

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10y ago

In Greek mythology, Selene is the daughter of Titans and goddess of the moon. She is supposed to be quite beautiful and drives a chariot across the night sky. Her personality is said to be benevolent, and she was a fan of both humanity and justice. Ultimately, Selene is best known for an affair she had with a mortal man, which resulted in fifty daughters.

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13y ago

There is no specific myth for how Selene became the moon goddess other than she is the sister of Helios and a daughter of Hyperion the titan. Eventually she was combined with Artemis, though the Greeks still call the moon Selene.

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The Moon was Selene's symbol, she was called Luna in Latin.

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13y ago

she can control time. and she made people insane if they crossed her path and she talked to the moon and she was very pretty.

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