In Koine Greek the word for builder is Tekton. Therefore, Jesus in the Bible would best be described as a builder rather than a carpenter.
yes he was he was skilled with both of them
the greek god of the underworld was hades
"Primus" is not a greek word, it is latin. The correspodent word in Greek is "πρώτος" (protos).
The greek word for cupid is Eros
The root word for "architect" is "archi," which comes from the Greek word "arkhi-" meaning chief or leader, and "tekton" meaning builder. Together they form "architekton," which refers to a chief or master builder.
In Koine Greek the word for builder is Tekton. Therefore, Jesus in the Bible would best be described as a builder rather than a carpenter.
Master or chief builder.
THE GREEK WORD FOR "MASTER" IS THE SAME IN THE OLDAGE, MIDLEAGE AND MODERN GREEKS AND IT IS "DESPOTOS"!!!αφέντης (ah-FEN-tees) is the correct word for master or lord. Δεσπότη (despoti) means despot, not master.
Transliterated from the Greek language, "arche" typically appears in English as the prefix, "arch," which bears meanings such as "important" and "elemental." Various nouns in English, however, express various meanings of the original Greek term; for example, "beginning," "origin," "source," and "principle."
The use of the arch, dome, and concrete
The Greek word Kyrios means lord or master.
The suffix of "architect" is "-ect," which comes from the Latin word "architectus" meaning "master builder."
A combination of Greek and Latin, actually. Tyrannosaurus rex is from the Greek words tyrannos, "master, tyrant" and sauros, "lizard", and the Latin word rex, "king".
Tekton is the name for a Roman Builder
τέκτων [tekton] is the builder / constructor / masonαρχιτέκτων = architect is the prime builder / constructor, the leader of a group of builderstectonic = masonic
The word maestro has origins in Latin, not Greek. The word maestro means teacher, master, or conductor of music.