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Q: What is the Roman name for Greek goddess Hebe?
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What is the roman name for greek goddess of youth?

Hebe (Greek)/ Juventas (Roman)

What is Hebe's Roman name?

Hebe was identified with the Roman goddess Juventas.

Where did hebe come from?

"Hebe" the word comes from Greece, where it means youth. This is also the name of the Goddess of Youth in Greek Myth.

What is gaea the greek goddess roman name?

The Greek goddess Gaea was identified with the Roman goddess Terra.

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The Roman goddess Flora was identified with Greek Chloris.

What was the Roman name for the Greek goddess of harvest?

The Greek goddess of the harvest was Demeter. Her Roman equivalent was Ceres.

The roman name for the greek goddess of nature?

Well, the Roman name for the goddess of agriculture, earth, and corn is Ceres, which is Demeter in the Greek name.

What was the Roman and Greek name of the goddess of the hunt?

Her Greek name is Artemis. Her Roman name is Diana.

What is Pandora the Greek goddess Roman name?

Pandora's Roman name is the same as her Greek name.

Who is Athena the goddess greek name?

The Greek name of the Greek goddess Athena is Athena. In Roman mythology the goddess Athena was associated with Minerva.

What is the greek gods roman name?

It depends on which Greek/Roman god/goddess.

What was tethys roman name?

Tethys did not have a Roman name, as she was a Greek goddess.