The hanging Gardens of Babylon or the hanging Gardens of Semiramis were build by the Babylonian Emperor Nebuchadnezzer II at 600 BCE. The gardens were destroyed by earthquakes after the 2nd century BCE. Currently there are no hanging gardens although there are famous gardens in different parts of the world like Tivoli in Rome, Villa d' Este, the Vatican gardens, the gardens of Verseilles in Paris France and elswhere.
Nebuchadnezzer was king of the Chaldeans in Mesopotamia. The Chaldeans were the first people to make a 7-day week (they captured Ninevah in 612 B.C.). Nebuchadnezzer built the Hanging Gardens (one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World) for his homesick, foreign wife. So he probably was considered great! P.S. If you're studying or learning about Mesopotamia, might want to check out Hammurabi! :-)
Gardens of Babylon.
The Mississippi River is surronding The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
the hanging gardens of Babylon was one of the most magnificient structures made by the sumerians. A ziggurat and a the hanging gardens of Babylon do not have anything in common.
It was created 2300 years ago by Nebuchadnezzer.
The hanging Gardens of Babylon or the hanging Gardens of Semiramis were build by the Babylonian Emperor Nebuchadnezzer II at 600 BCE. The gardens were destroyed by earthquakes after the 2nd century BCE. Currently there are no hanging gardens although there are famous gardens in different parts of the world like Tivoli in Rome, Villa d' Este, the Vatican gardens, the gardens of Verseilles in Paris France and elswhere.
Gardens that are old and not touching the ground
it was in Baghdad in Iraq
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
The Hanging Gardens.
The hanging gardens.
hanging gardens of babylon
Guess what?? It was Babylon!
hanging gardens of babylon