Our alphabet came from Latin, which came from the Greek alphabet, which came the ancient alphabet used by Semites. See related link below for more information.
The Phoenician alphabet was the inspiration for the Greek alphabet.
The Phoenician Alphabet
It is the Greek alphabet.
The Hebrews developed the Hebrew alphabet.The Greeks developed the Greek alphabet.The Romans developed the Latin alphabet.
The Ancient Greek alphabet is over 2,500 years old
Yes, it is. Doric is also greek.
In the Greek alphabet it is στάση.In the Roman alphabet it is stasi.
There are 24 letters in the Greek Alphabet
ΣΕΝΝΙΦΕΡ Please note, however, that there is no "J" in the ancient greek alphabet, so it was replaced with the letter it would have been in ancient greek; "Sigma" or "S".
Ancient Greek. Alpha and Beta are the first two letters in the Greek Alphabet.
The Ancient Greeks adapted it from the Phoenician alphabet
Alphabet is Ancient Greek. It comes from the Greek word "Alphabetos". Alpha is the Greek letter for A. Beta is the Greek letter for B.
Ancient Rome only had one alphabet: the Latin Alphabet. The alphabet with the most similarities at the time was the Greek Alphabet.
They were the first people to write the alphabet. The Ancient Greek's
26 letters
The Latin alphabet evolved from the Etruscan alphabet, which was used by the ancient Etruscan civilization in what is now modern-day Italy. The Etruscans, in turn, borrowed the alphabet from the Greek alphabet, which had been developed by the ancient Greeks. The Latin alphabet was later adapted and expanded by the Romans and became the basis for many modern alphabets, including English.