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The daughters of Atlas, the Hesperides, lived in a fabulous garden located at the western extremity of the world. There they guarded (with the aid of the dragon Ladon) a tree that bore golden apples. Hercules killed the dragon and obtained the apples as one of his 12 labors.

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Q: What is the curse of the golden apple in Greek mythology that Hercules was sent to get?
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Related questions

Who owned the golden apple?

The person that owned the golden apple in greek mythology was the hesperides

Who got the golden apple in Greek mythology?


What did the golden apple do in Greek mythology?

One: a guy used it to distract a girl and win a race so he could marry her Two: Hercules had to retrieve them in his 11th labor when a dragon guarded them.

How many instances of golden apple were featured in Greek mythology?

The golden apple is an interesting plot device used in Greek mythology. There are three instances of its appearance: the story of Atalanta, in the garden of Hesperides, and the judgement of Paris.

What creature guards the golden apple tree in greek mythology?

Ladon the Dragon

What was the name of the trees that bore the golden apples in Greek Mythology?

They were apple trees of course! it was on the island of the Hesperidies.

What does the golden apples of Hercules reprsent?

In his twelve labors Hercules had to steal a golden apple from a tree guarded by a dragon.

Who had one golden apple in mythology?


Who Zoe in Greek mythology?

Zoe was one of the sisters in the Garden of Hesperides, but she was banished after she helped Hercules to get into the Garden to try to steal an apple in one of his tasks.

Is the apple related to greek mythology?

The golden apple was said to grant anybody who ate it with immortality. this such fruit grew on a tree that was guarded by a dragon and 6 girls who were Atlases darters.

What wasthe war over the golden apple in greek mythology between?

Who was the fairest goddess..which was boiled down to 3..Athena Hera and Aphrodite

What was used to create the dispute among the goddesses?

In Greek mythology, it is the Golden Apple of Discord, commonly, apple of discord. It sparked the dispute between the goddesses Hera, (Pallas) Athena, & Aphrodite.