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Kush was an ancient civilization that mended their god (Amon) and both kushites and Egyptains agreed to worship this god as one. Its a major debate that Kush was an Advanced African state or if it was a satellite culture of Egypt.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Kush was the name of Noah's grand son. The Son of Ham. some times the name is spelled as Cush. It is believe that his descendants where those later to be know as the Cushites, or Kushites. People of darkened skin.

Hence the location of the Kushites or Cushites was known as Kush after Ham's oldest Son .
This location is believed to be around modern day Ethiopia stretching to parts of Sudan. Or ancient Nubia.

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14y ago

the kush was a country bordering ancient Egypt
Ham Also Kham. The definition of his name some has rendered it as black that is incorrect the name means the same as Adam, the name of Adam is spelled Ad-ham, Ham is a short form of the name, so it can be defined as swarthy which means light brown to brownish orange color, also tawny of a dark yellowish or dull yellowish-brown or pale brown tinge with a red under tone color, his name is also synonymous with father of a crowd or multitude, Ham had four sons

  • Kush (Cush means numberer) (sons were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, Sabteca, Ityop, Sindh, Nimrod and the sons of Raamah is Sheba and Dedan in most references they are listed under Kush as there father. (Nubians Ethiopians, Arabians, Somalis, Eritreans, Indians, Australians, Papua New Guinea and other related groups).
  • Mizraim also Mitzrayim double lands (sons were Lud, Anom, Pathros, Chasloth and Chaphtor - also Misraim, Mitzraim, Mizraite, Mitsrayim (Egyptians, Khemets, Philistines, and other related groups).
  • Phut also Seth this name is the equivalent of Seth and it means appointed or in his image (sons were Gebul, Hadan, Benah and Adan - also Putaya, Putiya, Punt, Puta, Put, Libia, Libya (Libyans, Cyrenacians, Tunisians, Tuaregs, The extinct Guanches of the Canary Islands, North Africans, and other related groups).
  • Canaan or Kanaan this name means Merchants or Tradesman or land of tradesmen's (sons were Zidon, Heth, Amori, Gergashi, Hivi, Arkee, Seni, Arodi, Zimodi and Chamothi) - also Canaanites, Cana, Chna, Chanani, Chanana, Canaana, Kana, Kenaanah, Kena'ani, Kena'an, Kn'nw, Kyn'nw, Kinnahu, Kinahhi, Kinahni, Kinahna, Kinahne (Canaanites,Sumer and Phoenicians and possibly a small group went to India).
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12y ago

It's a version of Serenity incense, which apparently is NOW illegal in TX but has the same effect of smoking marijuana. I just learned about this alternative, and also that it does not show up in drug tests ...but good luck finding a shop that sells it!

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12y ago

kush just moved away by 300 miles then they all had a peaceful life

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12y ago
  • The slaves in egypt. Kush in egypt fight the upper egypt,and kush are lower egypt.
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13y ago

It means a type river from Africa that the kuashites lived near

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11y ago

it was awesomeness and that I'm totally the best dude ever. I'm 197 years old.

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10y ago

Kush is a slang that refers to weed or marijuana.

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Q: What is the definition of Kush in Egypt?
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What is the definition of kush?

Kush is a "city " located at the south of Egypt.

Where is kush relation to Egypt?

pyramids kush's are smaller and Egypt's is bigger No.... The Relationship was trade. And since Egypt was bigger than Kush, Egypt conquered Kush and gave it the name Kush (it was previously named Nubia). _________________________________________________________________ No... The relationship WAS trade but Kush was IN Nubia. They are different.

What was the relationship between the civilizations of kush and Egypt?

bad because Egypt conquered Kush

When did kush gained control of Egypt?

Kush gained control of Egypt in 850 B.C

Was Kush ever controlled by Egypt?

Yes, Kush was controlled by Egypt beginning in about 1520 BC. Egypt's control declined over the next 500 years, however.

What is ancient Kush?

Anicient Kush was a country or whatever. South of Kush was Egypt. Kush was belived to be egyptianized by Egypt meaning that Egypt controlled Kush and made them where the same clothes same language same writing same everything. evtually Kush became independent

What was the relationship like between ancient Egypt and kush?

Kush and Egypt were sometimes at war Egypt invaded Kush and the Kushites later revolted and gained their independence. The Kushites still kept some Egyptian traditions and Egypt and Kush were also trading partners

How many miles does kush cover in Egypt?

Kush covers about 2500 miles in Egypt.

When was Egypt conquered by Kush?

nobody did Egypt was not conquered by kush i think........................ Egypt rocks

What happen between kush and Egypt when Egypt's new kingdom collapsed?

Egypt and Kush united in to one kingdom.

Which statement is true kush was invaded by rome kush never controlled Egypt kush was conquered by aksum kush was located in moderd-day Egypt?

It is true that Kush was invaded by Rome,

When did Egypt conquer kush?

Actually, Kush conquered Egypt and ruled as Pharaohs for almost a century. In 656 BC, Psamtik I drove the Kush out of Egypt, to reunite northern and southern Egypt.