they are things that the pharaohs servants carried the pharaoh around in.
hope that helps
In ancient Egyptian the word for beautiful is "Sesen".
No one alive today knows how ancient Egyptian was spoken.
The name of Egyptian mascara is called KOHL.
No, Horus was not crucified in ancient Egyptian mythology. The story of crucifixion is not a part of Egyptian mythology.
No, Horus was not crucified and resurrected in ancient Egyptian mythology.
Hieroglyphs. Millions of characters made different words and sounds in ancient Egyptian, and hieroglyphs litter the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs, along with rich pictures.
The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health.
An ancient Egyptian harpist
A chamber made for the king or queen of Egypt, after death, they are put in burial chambers.
Ancient Egyptian
There is no ancient Egyptian god Zyopt.
how did ancient Egyptian life differ from ours
If you mean "What is the meaning of the name Amenhotep?", it is the modern version of the ancient Egyptian imn-htp, which means "Amun is content".
Yes, malaria IS an Ancient Egyptian disease.
An ancient Egyptian is a person who lived in Egypt 3300 BC
ancient Egyptian sculptors