Oral history is history that was not written down as it happened but after it had been passed down by word of mouth. Great grandparents told their children who told their children who told you. It was also stories that were handed down from generation to generation in cultures so that it would be remembered. Eventually it would be written, but when it was finally written there were no living wittnesses.
You would have to use by a fact like, The old African tribes used oral tradition to pass stories throughout generations. See you always either have to follow or lead it with a fact. Or " The oral tradition was important "
because f*ck logic
Before printing and universal education, most people learned about history through oral tradition.
what antonyms for oral tradition
Oral tradition is a noun. It names a thing.
Oral Tradition - journal - was created in 1986.
They often take years to fine-tune.
The stories were passed down through generations via an oral tradition.
oral tradition
history is normally written down and oral tradition isn't.
The importance of oral tradition is that it helps pass on the history from one generation to another.
what is the purpose of a society oral tradition
written tradition
Oral tradition in Xhosa culture refers to the passing down of cultural knowledge, history, and customs through spoken word rather than through written texts. It includes storytelling, proverbs, songs, and rituals that are used to preserve and transmit the cultural heritage of the Xhosa people from one generation to the next. Oral tradition plays a crucial role in maintaining the identity and values of the Xhosa community.
Science fiction is not thought to have its origins in the oral tradition.