primitive mythology is that such as peoples of prehistoric lands. eg belief that a god will heal them classical mythology is more complex, gods animals plants creatures can all be god like or god possesed
What we today call Greek Mythology came from the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean. Most other mythology comes to us from cultures who did not record their religion nearly so long or detailed a way.
the earliest works of history also incorporated mythology
The Underworld of Ancient Mythology was not merely 'dark and gloomy', it was as differing as we imagine our own world to be above ground. It was often called Hades, after the Greek god who ruled it.
The distance and importance of trade connections
Persephone was the queen of the underworld and was abducted by and became the consort of Hades. Proserpina was the wife of Pluto who was god of the underworld. Their stories are very similar.
what is the difference between classical
myth was their stories,mythology was their religion
lol i live for the beach
Botticelli depicted a scene from Classical mythology; Dürer idealized his image and used many details.
when you do opera its with your voice and when you do classical music its with an instrument
In Non-Primitive CPU Algo. once a process is given to the CPU it cannot be preempt,but in primitive Algo. it can be.
The sound.
there isn't one.
Keynesians say that government should interven in economic activities where as classical say not too
what is diff b/w the classical economist and keynes economist
recreational is for fun and classical is more competitive and costs more money
There are a few differences between classical and traditional technology. Traditional technology is something that has always been done and classical technology is something that was once done.