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Nemea in the Argolis.

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Q: What is the domain of the Greek creature the Nemean lion?
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In greek mythoglogly what creature has a mane?

A lion? The Nemean lion maybe, or the chimeara.

What is the Nemean lion the Greek god of?

The Nemean lion was not a Greek god.

What mythological Greek creature was a lion with gold fur?

The Nemean lion was a creature with an invincible gold pelt. Hercules killed it as one of the twelve tasks.

What is Leo the lion constellation named after?

The Leo constellation is named after the Latin word for lion. In Greek mythology, Leo was associated with the Nemean Lion, a creature killed by the hero Hercules as the first of his twelve labors.

Which Greek hero is famously known for slaying the Nemean Lion with his bare hands?

The Greek hero famously known for slaying the Nemean Lion with his bare hands is Heracles, also known as Hercules in Roman mythology.

Ancient greek city with a mythical lion?

The Nemean lion terrorized Nemea, which was a city in ancient Greece.

What is the origin of the name of the Leo constellation?

The name "Leo" comes from the Latin word for lion. The constellation is associated with the Nemean Lion, a mythical creature slain by the hero Hercules as one of his twelve labors in Greek mythology.

Which Greek god ride a lion?

No Greek God is said to have rode a lion. However, Hercules killed the Nemean lion for his first task in the service of Eurystheus.

How leo got its name?

The constellation Leo got its name from the Latin word for lion. It is associated with the Nemean Lion, a creature from Greek mythology that was killed by the hero Hercules. The constellation's shape was thought to resemble a lion, which led to it being named Leo.

Does the Nemean lion exist?

The Nemean Lion does exist because the lions all had to come from somewhere so they all came from the Nemean lion. But that's my opinion

Does the Nemean lion have two heads?

No, the Nemean lion was only known to have one head.

Why was the Nemean Lion important other than in Hercules?

The Nemean Lion was the only lion to have a special type of fur.