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Zephyrus is the Greek god of the West Wind, believed to live in a cave on Thrace. He is the son of Eos and Astraeus and the brother of Boreas, Eurus and Notus. Some consider him and Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, as the parents of Eros, the god of love, and of Pothos (Longing) who was an attendant of Aphrodite.

The West Wind had fallen in love with a handsome youth named Hyacinthus, who also was a favorite of Apollo, the god of light. One day Apollo was teaching Hyacinthus how to throw the discus, when the insanely jealous Zephyrus caught it in mid-air and blew it at Hyacinthus, striking the young man on the head and killing him. From his blood sprang the hyacinth flower.

Zephyrus also abducted the goddess Chloris (Flora in Roman) and gave her dominion over flowers. In Roman myth, he is Favonius, the protector of flowers and plants.

With Podarge, one of the Harpies, Zephyrus fathered the famous horses Xanthus and Balius, who are the Trojan War hero Achilles' immortal horses. Hera endowed the horses with human speech. They served Poseidon first, and next Peleus, Achilles and Neoptolemus.

The union of Zephyrus and Podarge produced also Arion, a horse given by Heracles (Hercules) to Adrastus. Arion saved the life of Adrastus during the war of the Seven Against Thebes.

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Q: What is the gentle breeze from the west named after a Greek god?
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What is zephry?

Zephyr typically refers to a soft, gentle breeze. In Greek mythology, Zephyr was also the personification of the west wind.

A zephyr is a gentle what?

1. A gentle breeze.2. A light fabric.3. Anything transient.4. A town near Brownwood, Texas.5. The Greek God of the West Wind.

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The breeze you are experiencing is likely a westerly wind, which typically brings cool, mild air from the west. This type of breeze is often gentle and soothing, making it a pleasant experience for many people. Relax and enjoy the refreshing sensation of the gentle westerly breeze.

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According to a Merriam-Webster dictionary, a zephyr is a gentle breeze, or a breeze from the west.

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The north wind was Boreas. Boreas was the Greek god of the north wind, and comparable to the modern day character "Jack Frost".

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No, a zephyr is a breeze from the west.

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In Greek mythology, Zephyr is the personification of the west wind. Zephyr is often depicted as a gentle and favorable wind, associated with spring and warmth. However, Zephyr is not considered a goddess in the traditional sense.

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