Nymphs did not have symbols, they were just representative of things, Echo represented the echo.
Echo is not a goddess. She was an Oread, or mountain nymph, of unknown parentage.SHE WAS A NYMPH
Scylla wasnt a god, she was either a Princess (daughter of Nisus or Megera) or a sea nymph. The most known myth of Scylla is Scylla and Glaucus where she was turned into a monster by a jealous Circe. But otherwise, there is no real symbol for Scylla.
The Greek myths have no chronology. Calypso was not a god, she was a goddess-nymph.
Daphne was not a goddess, she was a nymph. She had no symbol.
Echo was not a goddess. She was an Oreiad, or Mountain Nymph.
She isn't exactly a god, she is a nymph, and i don't think she has a symbol, maybe its just nature??
The parents of Echo were not named; she was however a Oreiad nymph, the first of these were offspring of the five Daktyloi and the five Hekaterides. Subsequent generations were descended from these elder Oreiades and their brothers the Satyroi.
"A sound."
The nymph is a Greek myth. There is no Hawaiian word for nymph.
she didnt really have a symbol for whatiould find but somone said if you wanted to be creative you could draw a mountain
Her curse is that she can only repeat what others say.
Technically, echo was a Greek nymph, not a Goddess. As such, she didn't have a symbol. If you wanted to be creative, you could draw a mountain with wind through it, since she lived on a mountain and was doomed to only echo what others said.
Echo is not a goddess. She was an Oread, or mountain nymph, of unknown parentage.SHE WAS A NYMPH