The Roman "equivalent" is Saturn. Otherwise, the literal translation of chronos into latin is tempus, as both mean time.
Cronus was the Greek name. His Roman name was Saturn.
Cronus/Cronos Answer 2: No, sorry, it was Saturnus (Saturn).
whatever the roman name for cronus
No, Cronus was a Titan. He was a son of Gaia and Uranus.
Yes, Cronus was male.
In 'un-englishified', his name is spelled Kronos, but an equivalent would be Saturn, a latin deity.
Cronus's Roman name was Saturn.
Cronus was the Greek name. His Roman name was Saturn.
There are many versions of "Cronus". The main names he is identified with are Kronos, Saturn, and Chronos.
The name Cronin is a variant of Cronus. Cronus was the youngest Titan of Greek mythology. It is of Greek origin.
Cronus and Saturn are the same character from Greek and Roman mythology, respectively. They were both Titans who were overthrown by their children, with Cronus being overthrown by Zeus and Saturn by Jupiter. Both were associated with time and were often depicted as elderly and wielding a scythe.
Cronus/Cronos Answer 2: No, sorry, it was Saturnus (Saturn).
Κρονος : Kronos
Cronus and Rhea.
Cronus and Rhea