"Tiddlywinks" is the modern name for the game. The original name, back to 1890, was "Tiddledy-Winks", which was a trademark in England. Other major spellings include Tidleywinks and Tiddleywinks. "Tiddlywinks" is the preferred modern spelling. See www.tiddlywinks.org and www.etwa.org.
English Tiddlywinks Association was created in 1958.
Tiddlywinks starts with a squidge off.
In England, it's the English Tiddlywinks Association (ETwA) - www.etwa.org. In North America, it's the North American Tiddlywinks Association (NATwA) - www.tiddlywinks.org. Internationally, it's the International Federation of Tiddlywinks Associations (IFTwA).
In the modern, competitive game played by the English Tiddlywinks Association (ETwA - http://www.etwa.org) and the North American Tiddlywinks Association (NATwA - http://www.tiddlywinks.org), there are 24 winks: 4 colors with each having 2 large (7/8 inch) winks and 4 small (5/8 inch) winks.
It's called a "wink". See www.tiddlywinks.org/lexicon/
tiddlywinks :)
Your Madda. Yes your maddapacker.
Welly wanging Tiddlywinks Gurning
Welly wanging Tiddlywinks Gurning