It is a knife given to Helen of Troy by Menelaus as a wedding present. It's meaning ''looking glass'' or ''mirror''
The Ancient Olympic victor's prize was an olive leaf head circlet.
According to Greek mythology, the first woman on earth was Pandora. She was created by the gods and given a box that contained all the evils of the world. When she opened the box, these evils were released into the world, bringing suffering and hardship to humanity. Pandora's significance in ancient Greek culture is that she represents the idea of curiosity and the consequences of giving in to temptation.
In Greek mythology the river Styx is an important river of the Underworld.It was also the name given to a river in Arcadia,which belongs in ancient Greece.
Magistrate in English, though that is not the Greek word - it comes from Latin.The ancient Greeks didn't have judges as we know them today - rulings were given by either the head of a family in civil matters, or a magistrate called an Archon in public matters.
they were given water
The Greek athletes were given wreaths on their heads.
Ancient Greece has given us democracy. They have also given us Theatre. Ancient Greece has also given us ideas in structural integrity.
Ampitheatre x
No such yearly date is given in ancient Greek myth.
In ancient Greek theatres, the front row was reserved for the priests and priestesses who were responsible for overseeing the religious aspects of the performances. They were seated in the area known as the "prohedria," which translates to "front seats." These individuals had important ceremonial roles during the theatrical productions and were given the best seats in the house to honor their status and significance in Greek society.
Greek theater has given us many things, and admittedly boredom was one of them. Greek shows went on for hours without stopping but it influenced the world around us now. It influenced stand-up comedy, the art of standing up alone in front of an audience was first done by the Greeks. Theater in genral. Greeks gave us audiences and acting with others on stage.
It can be traced back to an Ancient Greek word meaning "fail to appear".
The first letters of the Greek alphabet are usually given to the brightest stars in the constellation.
No. Most of the theater performance in ancient Rome had to do with religious festivals and were paid for by the sponsor of the games. (Religious festivals in ancient Rome were celebrated with theater, races, and other entertainment events, depending upon the festival) There were a few theater productions given independently, but they were paid for by a sponsor. The individual actors and mimes were paid, but very little.
ΣΚΥΛΟΣ, σκύλος. The ancient Greek word is ΚΥΩΝ / κύων, Κύνες, which given birth to the word: Cynical (= doggish, doggish trait).
Archons are not from greek mythology. It is a title given to a wealthy person who participated in the early government of Greece.