The official, mathematical word for 2 pyramids attached together is a bipyramid. It is called a bipyramid because -bi means 2, and bi-pyramid means 2 pyramids.
The pyramids were stopped being built because of three reasons. 1. to much time 2. to much money 3. tomb robbers found the pyramids easily and this led to them being robbed
1) Definitely not in WWII Germany, that's for sure. 2) Pyramids. 3) 12th century Mesoamerica.
Normally only 1 or 2 are built. However, some Pharaohs made 3 or more!
The name Panashe means: 1) where there is god 2) you are with god
Not a nickname, but what they themselves called it was Hellas, after its legendary founder Helen (a male). They called themselves Hellenes. If you want a nickname, it's Greek - the Romans started calling the Hellenes Greeks when they mistook the Greeks in southern Italy for a tribe called the Graeci, and the name has stuck, but Greeks even today call themselves Hellenes.
diamondActually, i think that it is an octahedron, which looks like 2 pyramids stuck together by their bases.
a dimond!actually, i think that it is an octahedron, which looks like 2 pyramids stuck together by their bases.
The answer depends on how the pyramids are stacked.
By the requirements of the Euler characteristic, E + 2 = V + F That is, 24 + 2 = V + 16 So that V = 10. The shape is a dipyramid with a octagonal base. That is, two octagonal-based pyramids stuck together at their bases.
im pretty sure its 2 trees stuck or grown together
An octahedron
A triplex means 3 (tri-) together (-plex). A duplex house has 2 living spaces for 2 families "stuck" together. The same would be for a triplex.
Well, any shape with a triangular face. I assume that you mean a shape that only has (identical) triangles for faces. There are 2: the tetrahedron with 4 triangles, and the icosahedron with 20 triangles. * * * * * What about a triangular dipyramid? Two triangular pyramids stuck together along one face?
A triplex means 3 (tri-) together (-plex). A duplex house has 2 living spaces for 2 families "stuck" together. The same would be for a triplex.
He separated 2 twins that was stuck together and the surgery was very risky.
pull your hands away from each other with all your might!
Take a pin and stick it in the hole