Uranus is named after a Greek God.
In mythology, the creature with one hundred heads was called Typhon. The parents of Typhon were named Tartarus and Gaia.
The habitat of a Cyclops can be really anything. A famous cyclops named Polyphemus lived in a cave with the Golden Fleece.
A Hecatonchires named Briarious born from the same parents as the Titans with a hundred hands and fifty heads. He is one of three Hectonchires Zeus saves from Tartarus to help overthrow Cronus. He isn't an Olympian per say, but immortal none the less. As such, he was never worshiped. Scholars sometimes think that the Hecatonchires were supposed to be an early mythological cause of earthquakes.
In Greek mythology, Zeus transformed into a swan to seduce a woman named Leda. He did this by taking on the form of a swan and approaching her while she was bathing.
Rome is named after Romulus, the mythological founder of the city.
Venus is named after the roman god of beauty.
The program was named after the Greek mythological hero Jason.
The planet named after the mythological Greek god who personified the sky is Uranus.
No such person is to be found.
The planet Neptune was named for the Roman god Neptune.
Rome was named after Romulus because he was the mythological founder of the city.
Mercury was a Roman god.
Becuz he was dying
No god is named after it but they called it Cronus, Zeus's father.