Echidna - Greek mythology (half snake, half woman)
Lamia - Greek mythology (half snake, half woman)
Nāga - Hindu mythology.
Zhuyin - Chinese mythology. Cecrops I, the mythical first King of Athens was half man, half snake.
The Minotaur - a half-man and half-bull creature. The King of Crete - Minos - confined it to a labyrinth created by Daedalus and fed it human sacrifices - young people from Athens sent as 'tribute' to Minos. It was slain by Theseus with the help of Ariadne, daughter of Minos.
The Minotaur, a creature with the body of a man and the head of a bull.
It is an opinion on who. I will name some of the monsters I know of.The 3 headed dog that protects the underworld, Ceberus, The Hidra, the dragon with 3 heads, but if you cut one off 3 heads grow back in, a centar can be sort of wild, the are half Man half horse, Spinxes, and more but I really do not know much.
a manticore is half man-half lion The Sphinx.
yes and it's name is The Cat. it is half feline half man and has 9 lives
A creature that is half bear half man and half pig.
There is no single name but most half human creatures names would consist of "were" meaning man and the animal or creature for example werewolf means man wolf.
A Satyr.
A creature that is half man and half octopus is typically referred to as a "meroctopus" or "octo-man." These mythical beings are often depicted in folklore and fiction as having a human upper body and an octopus lower body.
It is a neko
Mermaids or Mermen
Half man half horse Forward half was human down to the waist, rear half was horse from the shoulders down.
I think you're referring to the mythical half-man - half-goat creature called Pan.
The creature you are referring to is called a "manbearpig." It is a fictional creature created by the TV show South Park.
Grover Underwood from Rick Riordan's popular book series is a satyr.