Praetors were magistrates in ancient Rome (below the consul), which were elected by the people. Their duties vary during the various points of Rome's history, acting as a judge or being a field commander, and later taking the role of provincial governor.
Most people in ancient Rome spoke Latin, but some cities that ancient Rome took over spoke their native language. A lot of people in ancient Rome spoke Greece.
Elected by assemblies of the citizens.
The Romans created a republic to make sure that there would be no dynastic, authoritarian rule over them as they experienced with the kings. By limiting the term of office of their elected officials and imposing time limits before they could be reelected to office, they achieved this.
Palatine Hill
Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.Tribunes did not rule in ancient Rome. They were elected officials and held their office for one year just as all the other elected officials.
Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.Ancient Rome was a republic. They had a government that was elected by the people.
In ancient Rome, the consul was the highest elected political office. there were two consuls who served a one year term.
The counsuls of ancient Rome were not elected directly by the people. They were elected by the Centuriate Assembly. this assembly also elected the praetors and censors. Membership in this assembly was determined by wealth and age.
I think the Roman people elected the Senators. The Citizens only, but no women or children or slaves. Ancient Roman Senators were not elected--at least not directly. If a man became elected to the office of Quaestor, he automatically became a senator. That's the closest thing to an "elected" senator that Rome had. Other means of entry into the senate were by appointment and by proving a financial worth of at least a million sesterces.
In Ancient Rome, an aedility was the office of an elected official responsible for festivals and the maintenance of public buildings - the person who was responsible for these was called an aedile.
Plebeian tribunes were elected leaders of ancient Rome who represented plebeians.
An aedileship is the office of an aedile, the elected official in Ancient Rome whose job it was to maintain public buildings and regulate festivals.
The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.The type of person/people who could become consul in ancient Rome were those who were wealthy and willing to risk their wealth to be elected to the various offices leading up to consul.
The senate in ancient Rome was not an elected office as ours is today. Senators were either appointed or gained a seat in the senate by being elected to another public office, such as quaestor or tribune. Quaestors and tribunes were elected by the Comitia Tribata, or the Plebeian Assembly.
No one elected poor people to any office in ancient Rome. Elections were expensive and a candidate had to have either his own cash or the cash backing of his supporters to pay for all the "giveaways" necessary for him to get the attention of the voters. A poor person simply did not have the connections, both financial and familial, to be a candidate for anything.No one elected poor people to any office in ancient Rome. Elections were expensive and a candidate had to have either his own cash or the cash backing of his supporters to pay for all the "giveaways" necessary for him to get the attention of the voters. A poor person simply did not have the connections, both financial and familial, to be a candidate for anything.No one elected poor people to any office in ancient Rome. Elections were expensive and a candidate had to have either his own cash or the cash backing of his supporters to pay for all the "giveaways" necessary for him to get the attention of the voters. A poor person simply did not have the connections, both financial and familial, to be a candidate for anything.No one elected poor people to any office in ancient Rome. Elections were expensive and a candidate had to have either his own cash or the cash backing of his supporters to pay for all the "giveaways" necessary for him to get the attention of the voters. A poor person simply did not have the connections, both financial and familial, to be a candidate for anything.No one elected poor people to any office in ancient Rome. Elections were expensive and a candidate had to have either his own cash or the cash backing of his supporters to pay for all the "giveaways" necessary for him to get the attention of the voters. A poor person simply did not have the connections, both financial and familial, to be a candidate for anything.No one elected poor people to any office in ancient Rome. Elections were expensive and a candidate had to have either his own cash or the cash backing of his supporters to pay for all the "giveaways" necessary for him to get the attention of the voters. A poor person simply did not have the connections, both financial and familial, to be a candidate for anything.No one elected poor people to any office in ancient Rome. Elections were expensive and a candidate had to have either his own cash or the cash backing of his supporters to pay for all the "giveaways" necessary for him to get the attention of the voters. A poor person simply did not have the connections, both financial and familial, to be a candidate for anything.No one elected poor people to any office in ancient Rome. Elections were expensive and a candidate had to have either his own cash or the cash backing of his supporters to pay for all the "giveaways" necessary for him to get the attention of the voters. A poor person simply did not have the connections, both financial and familial, to be a candidate for anything.No one elected poor people to any office in ancient Rome. Elections were expensive and a candidate had to have either his own cash or the cash backing of his supporters to pay for all the "giveaways" necessary for him to get the attention of the voters. A poor person simply did not have the connections, both financial and familial, to be a candidate for anything.
If you mean ancient Rome, the important people were those who were in political office or those who headed a wealthy family. Any man elected to a public office or chosen to lead an army was an important person. Men such as Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Caesar, Crassus and Scipio were all important in their particular times and their particular fields.