The pit of death is a big pit with spikes at the bottom and it's not in Sparta it is in
The pit is a chamber that has still underneath it a sealed off shaft that leads to a tomb chamber. When they place a mummy in the tomb chamber with his furniture, they seal the shaft entrance, leaving only a floor of the pit. You can see the design in the Mastabas. I am still not sure why they did not dig yet under the pit. Probably there is water and it can collapse the pyramid.
I would think it meant the "pit" of a fruit, the part you throw out (unless you plan on planting it). The fruit is the eatable yummy part, the pit the uneatable yucky part.
it means tacos and taco sause
A pit privy is a latrine with an outhouse over it. A hole is dug in the earth, an outbuilding is placed over it for convenience and privacy, and people use it for sanitary elimination. (A latrine is simply a hole or trench that is used for human elimination, then covered as needed.) A pit privy may be covered as needed and the outhouse building above moved to a new location.
It was just a big dry well (for water), not some "pit of death"
No, there is not a real pit of death in the world. This is only a fictional place made for books and movies.
wall of death and mosh pit
Pit Boss - 2010 Death in Denver 3-2 was released on: USA: 23 July 2011
Skyrim for Pimps - 2011 Death Pit 4-16 was released on: USA: 30 April 2013
A giant pit of death.
He sat in the presidents pit in the back of a theatre
The pit in "The Pit and the Pendulum" represents the fear of the unknown and impending death. The darkness, depth, and closeness of the pit evoke feelings of helplessness and claustrophobia, intensifying the protagonist's sense of dread. The pit symbolizes the ultimate despair and horror of his situation, heightening his terror.
In "The Pit and the Pendulum," the pit symbolizes the fear of the unknown and impending death. The pit represents the protagonist's descent into madness and despair as he faces a perilous situation. It also conveys the feeling of hopelessness and helplessness in the face of a cruel and inescapable fate.