corinthian, donic, and ionic
ομαλός has a step-by-step process on making your own Greek goddess costume. If you don't want to buy the fabric, a plain bedsheet could work as well.
Ionic order: At the top of the column is a large double scroll or volute, which resembles the curved horns of a ram or the curve of a seashell.
There are three baisc styles of Greek column - The Corinthian capped with acanthus leaves, the Ionian capped with a stylised ram horns and the plain Doric.
You can make a plain white mast out of a few layers of white tee shirt. You cal also buy a sturdy plain white mast from a hardware store.
The Greek root word for plain or simple is "haplous."
The ionian column
Different peoples had different architecture - eg the Egyptians based theirs on a n original pillar of bound papyrus stalks etc etc. With the Greek peoples there were three main styles - Corinthian, Ionic and Dorian (those who took over the Peloponnesian Peninsula). Being plain people the Dorians produced a plain column, without the acanthus leaves of the Corinthian and the ram's horns of the Ionian columns.
There are four different types of Greek columns. They are called: Ionic, Doric, Corinthian. The Doric is just a tall plain pillar with a squared top and bottom. The Ionic is a fancier type of Doric, but instead of a squared top, it has spiraled corners. Lastly, the Corinthian is WAY fancier than any other. It has pedal like shapes all around it.
Corey Moffett did
Charlies nose
The average 2% Greek yogurt, plain, is about 150 calories per 8-oz. serving.