The proper chronological order of the musical periods is: the Medieval era, Renaissance era, Baroque era, Classical era, Romantic era, 20th century, and the 21st century. The chronological order is dated back to 476 since to date.
Aryans, Greeks, Kushanas, Huns
In Greek mythology, the chronological order of events begins with the creation of the world by Chaos. This is followed by the rise of the Titans, the overthrow of the Titans by the Olympian gods, and the reign of Zeus as the king of the gods. Other key events include the birth of various gods and heroes, the Trojan War, and the adventures of heroes like Heracles and Perseus.
The 4 time periods are listed in order, Mycenaean, Dark Age, Age of Expansion, and Golden Age.
Either the Woodwinds or the Brass, since both take "wind" in order to produce sounds, imo. But, for the sake of proper terms, "wind" instruments typically are any instruments that use a reed as part of their tone generation.ALS/A+ Answer= aerophonesA saxophone is in the woodwind family
The proper chronological order of the musical periods is: the Medieval era, Renaissance era, Baroque era, Classical era, Romantic era, 20th century, and the 21st century. The chronological order is dated back to 476 since to date.
The chronological order of the time periods is typically: Prehistory, Ancient history, Middle Ages, Early Modern period, Modern era, and Contemporary era.
Chronological Thinking.
Chronological thinking
Constitutional Convention Declaration of Independence
The prehistoric periods, in chronological order, are the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods. The Paleolithic period is characterized by the use of stone tools, the Mesolithic period marks the transition from nomadic hunting and gathering to more settled communities, while the Neolithic period is marked by the advent of agriculture and the development of early civilizations.
Chronological Thinking.
Chronological Thinking.
Greek empire, Roman empire, Medieval period.
Declaration of Independence
Chronological order.
chronological order.