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The KING of the gods the ruler the one mostly in charge.

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Q: What is the realm for Zeus?
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What realm is Zeus from?


What is Zeus' realm of power?

Earth and Sky

Did Zeus make thors hammer?

no it was dwarfs from a Norse realm not Zeus plus Zeus is greak not norse

What is Poseidon's realm?

Poseidon's Realm is the sea. The three brothers (Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades) drew lots for their realm. Zeus got the skies, Hades got the underworld, Poseidon got the sea.

How do you get into Zeus' realm on mythology island?

To enter Zeus' realm on Mythology Island, you need to complete the tasks given to you by the other gods and goddesses first. Once you have completed all the quests and collected the necessary items, you will be able to access Zeus' realm.

How does Zeus' realm reflect his personality?

Because he controled wind and air.

What did Poseidon have in common with his brother Zeus?

they both think their realm is better

What was Zeus realm?

Zeus's realm is the heavens and sky and he is the king of the gods.

Why Zeus sent hades to the underworld?

Zeus did not "send Hades to the Underworld"; just as Zeus rules the heavens, Hades rules the Underworld. According to one of the myths, Zeus selected the Heavens as his realm, and allowed Poseidon to select next because he was eldest. That left Hades (or more accurately Plouton) the Underworld as his realm, which he found suited him just fine.

Where does Zeus get your 5 items once you got them all in mythology island?

At his realm that is in the Gates.

How did Zeus Poseidon Hades get their powers?

Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were all sons of Rhea and Kronos, powerful titans, and their powers were acquired from their parents and what realm they were assigned to control, for example, Zeus has the sky and he is in control of lightning.

Is Artemis' realm the sky?

No. The sky belongs to Artemis' father Zeus. She rules all the wild places.