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Greek mythology tells of so many different oracles that there is no exact symbol to represent them all. The Delphic oracle, who originally belonged to Rhea, was taken by Apollo and is most closely associated with Python, the great snake that Apollo slew. Zeus's oracle resides at Dodona and is well known by its association with oak trees; it is said that the oracles of Dodona prophesy by listening to the rustling leaves of oak trees.

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13y ago

The Role of an Oracle is to say the future. For example - If you meet the Oracle, they will give some sort of funny lines and that is YOUR prophecy. For example, a line of the Oracle is taken down here - from the Percy Jackson & THE LAST OLYMPIAN :

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,

To storm or fire the world must fall.

An oath to keep with a final breath,

and foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.

They goes in rhymes - like a poetry... That's what Apollo likes most - poetry

call rhymes with fall , breath rhymes with death.

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The Oracle in Greek Mythology was a woman, who told prophecies. In Percy Jackson, you'll hear lots about her.

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the oracle was important because it gave them there proficies and Quests

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What was the rold of the oracle Greek mythology?

The role of the Oracle of Delphi was to give prophecies to asking Greeks.

What was the role of the oracle in greek mythology?

be more specific, it depends on which oracle you mean.

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The most famous ancient Greek oracle was that of "Delphi".

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In ancient times an oracle was actually the special place in a temple where a Mantis (Μάντης : a prophet) gave the prophecies. The most famous Mantis in Greek mythology was Tiresias and lived in Thebes (in Greece not Egypt).

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