Atlas was a titan whom the Olympians disliked. The Olympians sent the titans to do hard chores or to Tarturus. Atlas had to hold the heavens as long as the Olympians were there. Atlas tried to trick Heracles or Hercules to hold the heavens in Hercules and his labors.
Atlas was from greek mythology
Vulcan(us) is the Roman name of the Greek god Hephaestus.
The Roman name for Athena was Minerva
Vulcan is Hephaestus's Roman name.
Hephaestus was actually the god of the forges/blacksmiths. His Roman name was Vulcan.
Atlas was from greek mythology
I've been looking for the same thing and i can't find it. I looked on wikipedia and they give his name in other languages but not Roman. His name is the same in Roman ans Greek Mythology!
Atlas was the Titan who was forced to bear the world on his shoulders.
it's the same as in greek
Atlas is Greek, but he is not a god. He is a Titan.
Mercury was the messenger-god of Jupiter, and was the god of games, of business, and of story telling. He was the offspring of the god Jupiter and Maia. Maia herself was and one of the Pleiades, daughters of the titan Atlas. Mercury was identified with the Greek god Hermes.
The Roman god name for Neptune is Neptune. He is the god of the sea and water in Roman mythology, the equivalent of the Greek god Poseidon.
Mars was a Roman god. He was the God of War.
Atlas, Pandora,Zues.
The Roman name of the god of death and the Underwmrld is Pluto.
Apollo.Both Greek and Roman name for the god of music is Apollo.
The Roman god of love is Cupid.