they are made of iron or bronze
It was NEVER EVER made of iron(I dont count modern cheap replicas)..Almost exclusively out of bronze,and in rarest of cases in cheap versions out of copper.But BRONZE should be the only answer.
Spartans slaves of war that they made do all the agriculture work in their society. It was said that there was 10 hellots/ spartan
Helots were important because they revolted often. The average Spartan citizen had 12 helots to himself. So, the helots outnumbered the Spartans. The helots' large rebellions caused the Spartans to strenghten their army. This constant test of military ability made the Spartan military strong and powerful.
The plume was made of dyed horse hair. Hair was the preferred material because it lasted longer. The red was to intimidate the enemies with the color red which meant blood. The color red was also a sign that the men were soldiers of the emperor. But remember, the ordinary soldier did not have a plume on his helmet except if he were marching in a triumph. Plumes or distinguishing crests were only for officers. The centurion needed the wide crest so his men could more easily see him in battle
Mostly bronze. some had inlays of gold or silver. they would have "manes" on leaders or important people's helmets.
if you are saying what do they wear they wear suits and helmets to protect themselves and they are geneticley enginered super soldiers made to fight of the govenent so the unsc have a chance to beat the aliens .
The armour, weapons, tools, and everything else used by the Spartan army was made by a slave class called helots.
Leather, after 1916; steel.
Spartan soldiers lived by a rigorous training schedule thad kept them in shape for the moments when they had to fight as soldiers. The training and education schedule was regulated by law and made the daily lives of the warriors a highly organized affair.
The Master Chief is a Spartan II. All of the Spartans from Halo: Reach (excluding Jorge) are Spartan III's. Also, there is no such thing as a Spartan I in the Halo universe. They were called ORION soldiers. After the ORION Project failed, Dr. Halsey made modifications to it and renamed the Spartan II Project.
Barclay Manufacturing Company
Helmets are mostly made from polystyrene
they made stuff for the soldiers
A Fireman's helmet is made from metals such as brass, aluminum and nickel. You can get more information about this at the Wikipedia. Once on the website, type "Firefighter's helmet" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.
It becomes harder and tougher. Manganese steel is what soldiers helmets were made out of in WW II.
A helmet is a form of protective gear worn to protect the head from injuries.Ceremonial or symbolic helmets (e.g. UK policeman's helmet) without protective function are sometimes used.The oldest known use of helmets was by Assyrian soldiers in 900BC, who wore thick leather or bronze helmets to protect the head from blunt object and sword blows and arrow strikes in combat. Soldiers still wear helmets, now often made from lightweight plastic materials.For more information about helmets visit at