"After-Thinker" or "Afterthought"
No symbol.
First Cronus is a titan not a god secondly his symbol is a scythe
"After-Thinker" or "Afterthought"
Hermes was not married per se but he fathered children of several consorts.
There is no technical god of information but here are a few close to that: * Themis-god of thought * Epimetheus-god of afterthought * Prometheus-god of beforethought * Hephaestus-god of mechanics
No symbol.
Epimetheus, unlike his brother Prometheus (forethought), Titan god of after-thought, and as they say afterthought/sight is 20/20.
Epimetheus was afterthought. Some call him the first philosopher. Since he married Pandora, you could give him the symbol of Panora's box.
hero when gods/godesses have children with mortal men/women
He is the Titan god of afterthought
The Greek goddess Hestia's symbol was the pig and the house.
the greek god bu-tugly is the god of the spider web.
First Cronus is a titan not a god secondly his symbol is a scythe