I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but, Themis, is pictured as blindfolded, as she represented justice. One could infer that a balance scale could be symbolic of this goddess.
The 12 main Titans were:Cronus - symbol: sickle or scytheOceanus - symbol: a fish and a serpentIapetus - symbol: ?Hyperion - symbol: ?Crius - symbol: ?Coeus - symbol: ?Rhea - symbol: a turret crown, attended by lionsTethys - symbol: a small pair of wingsTheia - symbol: ?Phoebe - symbol: ?Themis - symbol: scales and a double edged swordMenoetius - symbol: ?
Themis was the aunt of Zeus, and his first wife and perhaps nurse.
Click link below, then choose 'Themis' from menu and read about this goddess!
The ancient Greek Titaness Themis embodies the divine order, law and custom. It is known that she is of good counsel, her name Themis translates to divine law.
The 12 main Titans were:Cronus - symbol: sickle or scytheOceanus - symbol: a fish and a serpentIapetus - symbol: ?Hyperion - symbol: ?Crius - symbol: ?Coeus - symbol: ?Rhea - symbol: a turret crown, attended by lionsTethys - symbol: a small pair of wingsTheia - symbol: ?Phoebe - symbol: ?Themis - symbol: scales and a double edged swordMenoetius - symbol: ?
Themis Tolis was born in 1974.
Themis Medicare was created in 1969.
Themis Rigas was born in 1945.
The offsprings of Zeus and Themis are the Horae and the Fates.
Themis Rigas died on 1984-01-13.
Themis Rigas died on 1984-01-13.
Roberto Themis Speroni was born in 1922.
Roberto Themis Speroni died in 1967.
Themis Katz's birth name is Themistokles Katsimichas.
Themis Adamantidis's birth name is Efthimios Adamantidis.
Themis was the aunt of Zeus, and his first wife and perhaps nurse.