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The Egyptians had more traps then many give them credit for. They did have "curses" but they were merely lines above the tombs such as "If you enter my tomb I will wring your neck like a bird". Other then the curses there were pitfalls and wire traps, along with some doors that were rigged to drop rocks on an intruder.

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To deter grave-robbers. That was the idea.

However, because most tombs that have been found had already been looted in antiquity, it appears they didn't really work. The priestly caste, workers and work supervisors, and the elite between them knew who was buried where, where the tombs actually were, what they were buried with, and the obstacles to be encountered.

Greed and corruption are great levellers, cross class-divisions, and make wonderful incentives! Only the people at the top levels could look forward to an afterlife: the remainder of the people just died and were dead dead. Corrupt priests and nobles told these others where to look and were given kickbacks accordingly.

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Q: What kind of booby traps did ancient Egyptians put into pyramids?
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What are ancient booby traps?

there were never any booby traps in ancient egypt

What traps did the ancient Egyptians use in there pyramids?

they use guns and woman

Do pyramids really have booby traps?


What were the booby traps in the pyramids?

they had portcullis and dead ends

What kind of booby traps were in the pyramids?

they had portcullis and dead ends

What booby-traps did the pharaohs put in the pyramids?

Pharaohs did not typically install booby-traps in the pyramids. It is a popular myth perpetuated by Hollywood movies and storytelling. The pyramids were designed to protect the burial chambers from tomb robbers through architectural features like secret passages and heavy stone blocks.

Did pyramids have Booby Traps?

i think they did. i think it was 4 the kings or queens not to get their charms and other treasures stolen.

Why are there booby traps in pyramids?

Booby traps were meant to deter tomb robbers from stealing the treasures inside the pyramids. They were designed to surprise and harm intruders by using mechanisms such as falling rocks, poison darts, and hidden pits. The traps were a way to protect the valuable belongings of the deceased pharaohs buried in the tombs.

Did the pyramids have booby traps?

There is no archaeological evidence to suggest that the pyramids in Egypt were equipped with booby traps. The design and construction of the pyramids were focused on serving as monumental tombs for the pharaohs and their belongings, rather than incorporating booby traps for protection.

Was there a movie about the booby traps in the ancient Pyramids?

Land of the Pharaohs was an epic film about Pharaoh Khufu's obsession to build a robber-proof tomb. It starred Jack Hawkins and a young Joan Collins.

How do you get to the tombs?

they walk into a pyramid and you have to go through these booby traps and then you make it into the top of the pyramids and you say this is a waste of my time and you leave

What do pyramids have in them?

Inside a pyramid are mummified remains, treasures for the afterlife, booby traps, book of the dead mummy's servants for the afterlife.