greedy,wants to be rich, full of himself,wants a ton of gold... everything gold.
There are various attributes that made Arthur to be considered as a great king. Some of his traits include honesty, modesty, kind-heartedness and so much more.
Protective, gentle and kind.
Perseus is very strong, brave, skillful, kind, fierce
I don't think he was a god.
They are really sexy...
Kind Knowledgeable
Prometheus was intelligent, cunning, but also kind.
brave, adventurer, and kind
She was kind but if you missed with her territory (the wild) she would not be so kind
No, he was kind of foolish, actually. He was said to have built the town of Ancyra though, and as King of Phrygia was called Berecynthius heros.
you have to kind
sensetive, caring, nuturing, knowledgble, patient:)
conscientiousness-agreeableness-neuroticism(emotional stability and instability)-openness and extraversion aka " the big five personality traits"
Keen, kind, kindhearted, klutzy, knowledgeable and kooky are personality traits. They begin with the letter k.