They used papyrus rolls, which are made from papyrus stems. They wrote with reeds dipped in ink.
draw a cube with squars for windows chop a rectangular bit off of the house to show the coutyard then add a roof
It would have been impossible to support a civilization the size of Ancient Egypt in the desert, for one they couldn't grow food to feed the population and two there were no significant water resources from which to draw from. Therefore they stuck to their life line on the Nile River.
most of the time they used sticks to draw on wax tablets, but they also used feathers and ink.
A primary source is when someone founds a real ancient thing that someone wrote or draw a long time ago
Black ink was used to draw draw pictures. You would dip a quill (a sharpened feather) into ink and draw picture because there wasn't markers black then. They also used black ink to write . you dip the quill into the ink and you start writing .
they do a process called 'mummifacation', they draw the moisture out of the body as much as possible, google it.
they drew with mud and anything they could find to change colors. also they carved pictures in walls with spears.
Apple computers have an excellent range of software available which can be used to draw pictures.
I like to draw pictures of cardinals.
Draw Pictures.
i recently discovered a website called it teaches you how to draw pictures and you can put pictures on you know how to draw so everyone can draw x
Frist get a piece of paper and a pencil. Then Draw.
you can check on and type up how to draw.
Draw them that's what I do.