He added an area in Central Asia, Thrace and Macedonia.
The Incas lived in the area of Cuzco, high in the mountains of Southern Peru.
None - the Persian empre stretched from Libya to Central Asia which covers many modern countries, none of which is 'most' of that vast area.
Many modern day countries - Libya, Egypt, the countries of the Middle East, Iran, Central Asia and Pakistan.
what is Asias 3 Ancient cultures and where there general area is
The ancient writers say that Spartacus was a Thracian, so, if true, he would have lived in Thrace. (Ancient Thrace was loosely today's country of ROMANIA) However he was also a gladiator and the Thrax or Thracian was a type of gladiator. So its unclear if Spartacus was actually from the area of Thrace itself or if "Thracian" was his fighting style. Anyhow, right before his escape he was living in the gladiatorial school in Campania.
In ancient times, the region between the rivers Strymon and Nestos was known as Thrace. It was conquered by Phillip ll.
Bactria is the ancient name for the area in northeastern Afghanistan, northwestern Pakistan and southern Uzbekistan.
Ancient Mesopotamia was primarily in the area contained by the modern-day country of Iraq. The boundaries of Mesopotamia were the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to the east and west and the Persian Gulf to the south.
The Ancient Near East is not a country, but a general area that often extends from what we now call the Middle East to Egypt. Here you'll find an introduction, links, and a picture to go with ancient countries and peoples around the Fertile Crescent.
Ancient Egypt included a large area of modern Egypt, mostly the eastern half around the Nile. A colony of Egypt, the kingdom of Kush (around Abu Simbel, south of Aswan) is in modern-day Sudan.
Iraq is the modern name for an area often referred to in the Bible
the answer is kesan
Mainly Iraq.