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Thay domesticated the plants they saw.

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Q: What new way of getting food changed societies?
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What new way of getting food changed the societies?

hiogh low aprt od language

What new food from the Americas changed Italian cooking?

the tomato

What new way of food changed society?

Thay domesticated the plants they saw.

How has the presentation of food changed in twenty years?

Experimenting new recipes and ideas has vastly changed the presentation of food toÊunimaginable levels. Today, food is cooked to meet the style, preferences and interest of different people.

What is the difference between hunting gathering societies and pastoral horticultural societies?

Agricultural, pastoral, and foraging societies all had one goal in common: find food. Though, they went about these different ways. Agricultural, or agrarian societies are based on large-scale agricultural production made possible by plows pulled by animals. Agrarian societies are far more efficient than earlier societies and typically have a huge food surplus. This supports a complex division of labor which leads to the accumulation of great wealth by the few and considerable inequality. Pastoral societies are societies in which animals are domesticated and raised for food in pastures. Pastoral societies tended to develop in arid regions where there was insufficient rainfall to raise crops on the land. They were usually nomadic, moving on to a new area after the animals had exhausted the food supply in each pasture. Foraging societies, or commonly known as Hunter-Gatherers, generally have a passive dependence on what the environment contains. Because of this, the length of time that they stay in any one location is largely determined by the availability of food and water that is readily obtainable. They do not plant crops and the only domesticated animals that they usually have are dogs.

What is the web address of the League Of Historical Societies Of New Jersey in Somerville New Jersey?

The web address of the League Of Historical Societies Of New Jersey is:

What happens if you changed your 8 weeks old Chihuahuas food and now her bowel movement is loose Why?

You have to change the food gradually by mixing the original in with the new food. You then add more and more of the new food until it's all of the new food. By then your puppy's digestive system has adjusted to the new food. When you change foods all at once, it upsets the digestive system.

How did the immigrants start their new life in America?

by getting a job and eating food

What kinds of changes encouraged the development of early hominid societies?

something that encouraged changed in early hominid species was climate change.Tony

What are some new secrect societies?

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What is the web address of the Assn Of Historical Societies Of New Hampshire Inc in Concord New Hampshire?

The web address of the Assn Of Historical Societies Of New Hampshire Inc is:

My German Shepard puppy has diahera I boiled him chicken and rice and changed his food from lamb to chicken performatin how much at one time do you introduce the new food?

You gradually mix it in each time by about 10g and then eventually you'll have changed it :)