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A. a poor tenant farmer B. A wife of a wealthy aristocrat C. A skilled metic caftsman D. A wealthy trader from outside Greece

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Reid Oney

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βˆ™ 4y ago

a poor terentfarmer

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Q: What person enjoyed the most rights in ancient Greek society?
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What were the rights of slaves in ancient Egypt?

they were at the mercy of their owners but they may marry a free-born person.

In ancient Egypt where did ancient egyptians women live?

In ancient times the women lived in houses that were made of mudbricks. Surprisingly, unlike most ancient cultures, the Egyptians allowed their women (almost) the same rights as their men. They had the rights to get a divorce, inherit and own land and possesions, etc.

Who was a free born male who had the rights to vote on laws in Ancient Greece?


Why weren't women and slaves allowed to vote in the ancient Greece?

Ancient Rome waa a male dominated society and the women did not have the rights of full citizenship. Politics was strictly a man's concern and any woman who publicly expressed too great of an intrest in politics was considered unfeminine.Ancient Rome waa a male dominated society and the women did not have the rights of full citizenship. Politics was strictly a man's concern and any woman who publicly expressed too great of an intrest in politics was considered unfeminine.Ancient Rome waa a male dominated society and the women did not have the rights of full citizenship. Politics was strictly a man's concern and any woman who publicly expressed too great of an intrest in politics was considered unfeminine.Ancient Rome waa a male dominated society and the women did not have the rights of full citizenship. Politics was strictly a man's concern and any woman who publicly expressed too great of an intrest in politics was considered unfeminine.Ancient Rome waa a male dominated society and the women did not have the rights of full citizenship. Politics was strictly a man's concern and any woman who publicly expressed too great of an intrest in politics was considered unfeminine.Ancient Rome waa a male dominated society and the women did not have the rights of full citizenship. Politics was strictly a man's concern and any woman who publicly expressed too great of an intrest in politics was considered unfeminine.Ancient Rome waa a male dominated society and the women did not have the rights of full citizenship. Politics was strictly a man's concern and any woman who publicly expressed too great of an intrest in politics was considered unfeminine.Ancient Rome waa a male dominated society and the women did not have the rights of full citizenship. Politics was strictly a man's concern and any woman who publicly expressed too great of an intrest in politics was considered unfeminine.Ancient Rome waa a male dominated society and the women did not have the rights of full citizenship. Politics was strictly a man's concern and any woman who publicly expressed too great of an intrest in politics was considered unfeminine.

What are the differences between Athenian girls long ago and girls today?

The ancient ones had no rights.

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Which social class in Inca society enjoyed more rights than commoners but fewer rights than nobles?

Conquered nobles

What are Ancient Egyptian viziers rights?

the rights of a ancient vizier is the secondf person to the trone the

What was the role of women in ancient society?

Women were wives and mothers in ancient society. They didn’t have rights or the freedom within the culture.

What was role of women in ancient Egyptian society?

Women were wives and mothers in ancient society. They didn’t have rights or the freedom within the culture.

What was the role of women in ancient egyptians society?

Women were wives and mothers in ancient society. They didn’t have rights or the freedom within the culture.

What was the role women in ancient Egyptian society?

Women were wives and mothers in ancient society. They didn’t have rights or the freedom within the culture.

Which social class in the Inca society enjoyed more rights than commoners but fewer rights than nobles?

The social class in Inca society that enjoyed more rights than commoners but fewer rights than nobles were the "kurakas." Kurakas were local leaders who acted as intermediaries between the commoners and the Inca nobility, overseeing administrative and judicial matters within their communities. They had privileges such as land ownership and exemptions from certain labor obligations, but did not hold the same elevated status as the noble class.

What are characteristics of the ancient Spartans?

A warrior society supported by a serf population, with women having an unusually high level of rights for a Greek society at the time.

Did women have wrights in ancient Rome?

Yes, Roman women enjoyed the rights conferred by Roman citizenship However, they did not have the right to vote and the right to run for political office.

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Which Inca social class enjoyed the most rights privileges and power?

Sapa Inca

What was roman law based on the idea of?

For the most part, Roman law was based on the idea of personal rights. The emphasis here is personal rights, not universal rights. Remember that ancient Rome was a class structured society and the classes had different sets of conduct or "rights".