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The reason that the greeks might not have had any questions to the evidence that hevier objects fall faster than light objects is because they would be questioning statistics which is that heavier objects and lighter objects do not fall at different rates but at the same its just the pending on the weight ex. a brick and a feather you drop a brick it falls quick beacuse of its weight and a feather because of it's weight it falls alot slower but at the measuerment of the objects falling quicker than the other they don't its irrelevent.

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Q: What reason might the Greeks have had not to question the evidence that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects?
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Do heavier objects have a higher density than lighter objects?

Not necessarily. Density is determined by the mass of an object compared to its volume. Heavier objects may have a higher density if they are more compacted, but lighter objects can also have a high density if they are very compacted or have a smaller volume.

Is weight measured in g or kilogram?

in kg for larger, heavier objects, but g for smaller lighter objects

Does lighter objects fall down faster then heavier objects?

No, in a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their weight. This is known as the principle of equivalence. However, in the presence of air resistance, lighter objects may experience less air resistance than heavier objects, giving the illusion that they fall faster.

Do heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects when on a parachute?

Assuming the parachutes are the same size, then yes.

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Why do lighter objects fly slower than heavier objects?

they have less mass. heavier objects have a great mass so it gets pulled down faster..... by a little thing called......gravity!

Which body moves faster heavier or lighter?

In a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their weight due to gravity. However, in real-world conditions with air resistance, lighter objects tend to fall slower than heavier objects because air resistance affects lighter objects more.

Why heavier objects fall faster than do lighter objects?

They don't. All objects fall at the same rate of speed because of weight.

Why do heavier objects fall faster then lighter objects?

In a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of weight due to gravity. However, in the presence of air resistance, heavier objects are less affected by air resistance than lighter objects, allowing them to fall faster. This is because air resistance is proportional to the surface area of the object, while weight is proportional to mass.

Is it easier for a tornado to lift heavier objects or lighter objects?

Tornadoes are more likely to lift lighter objects as they generate an upward force with their strong winds. Heavier objects may be more difficult for tornadoes to lift unless they are caught in the vortex of the tornado's winds.

Why do heavier objects fall more slowly than lighter objects?

Heavier objects fall at the same rate as lighter objects in a vacuum due to the effects of gravity. However, in the presence of air resistance, heavier objects can fall more slowly than lighter objects because air resistance affects larger, more massive objects to a greater degree than smaller, lighter objects.

Why are heavier objects harder to start or stop moving?

Heavier objects have more inertia, which means they resist changes in their motion. More force is needed to start or stop the motion of a heavier object compared to a lighter one.