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The Patricians of rome were the wealthy ruling class, whose influence could be considered on par with aristocrats of the Fuedal ages. Examples would be families like the Kennedys or Bushes here in America. They were not royalty but were popular and wealthy enough to change the policies of the Republic and later the Empire.

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paricians were the whealthy people of ancient Rome... they were the ones who occupied public offices such as magistrates, councils, censors, praetors... however, later the plebeians also could do this...

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Q: What role did the partricans have in rome?
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What role did Attila play in collapse of rome?

He rode elephants through cartilage.

What important role did the praetor fulfill?

Praetors were magistrates in ancient Rome (below the consul), which were elected by the people. Their duties vary during the various points of Rome's history, acting as a judge or being a field commander, and later taking the role of provincial governor.

The government established for rome by Augustus is best described as a?

Augustus established the government called a principate. That is one in which one person (the princeps, the 'first man') had the dominant role and authority.

What Role Did Roman soldiers play in the creation of the Roman Empire?

The Roman army played a major role in the creation of the Roman empire a most of Rome's territory was gained by military conquest. In addition, the army policed the new territories and many times colonies of veterans were established in them. The army also did the building of roads, bridges and aqueducts.

Did ancient Rome have many mountains?

Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.Ancient Rome was a city-- the same city that is present day Rome. No, it is not in the mountains.

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Describe the role of women in rome in the 1800's?

What role does the Bishop of Rome have?

The Bishop of Rome is also the pope.

What is the role of a plebian in rome?

The plebeians did not have ant particular role. They were the commoners.

In Julius Caesar what role does Julius Caesar play in the book?

he is the role of caesar he plays a role that is look up to by everyone in rome that is why brutus and the conspittors killed him because he didn't want rome to be a monarcy

What was the role in the consuls in Rome's republic?

the senate i think

What role did the etruscans play in the develement of rome?

Doggy style.

What role does ocean currents play on Rome?

the Atlantic ocean

What role did Rome's internal problems play in its conquest by foreign invaders?

Rome fell because of political problems and disloyalty.

What was the role of Jesus in ancient Rome?

By the time Christianity came to Rome, Jesus was the honored Teacher, One who gave a new philosophy to his followers.

What role in early Rome lasted only until crisis had passed?


What role did Attila play in collapse of rome?

He rode elephants through cartilage.

What was Augustus Caesar?

Augustus Caesar's "role" was to be the princeps or the first citizen of Rome. Historians sometimes call him the first Roman emperor. He inaugurated the Pax Romna, rebuilt the city of Rome and oversaw a time of general peace and prosperity.Augustus Caesar's "role" was to be the princeps or the first citizen of Rome. Historians sometimes call him the first Roman emperor. He inaugurated the Pax Romna, rebuilt the city of Rome and oversaw a time of general peace and prosperity.Augustus Caesar's "role" was to be the princeps or the first citizen of Rome. Historians sometimes call him the first Roman emperor. He inaugurated the Pax Romna, rebuilt the city of Rome and oversaw a time of general peace and prosperity.Augustus Caesar's "role" was to be the princeps or the first citizen of Rome. Historians sometimes call him the first Roman emperor. He inaugurated the Pax Romna, rebuilt the city of Rome and oversaw a time of general peace and prosperity.Augustus Caesar's "role" was to be the princeps or the first citizen of Rome. Historians sometimes call him the first Roman emperor. He inaugurated the Pax Romna, rebuilt the city of Rome and oversaw a time of general peace and prosperity.Augustus Caesar's "role" was to be the princeps or the first citizen of Rome. Historians sometimes call him the first Roman emperor. He inaugurated the Pax Romna, rebuilt the city of Rome and oversaw a time of general peace and prosperity.Augustus Caesar's "role" was to be the princeps or the first citizen of Rome. Historians sometimes call him the first Roman emperor. He inaugurated the Pax Romna, rebuilt the city of Rome and oversaw a time of general peace and prosperity.Augustus Caesar's "role" was to be the princeps or the first citizen of Rome. Historians sometimes call him the first Roman emperor. He inaugurated the Pax Romna, rebuilt the city of Rome and oversaw a time of general peace and prosperity.Augustus Caesar's "role" was to be the princeps or the first citizen of Rome. Historians sometimes call him the first Roman emperor. He inaugurated the Pax Romna, rebuilt the city of Rome and oversaw a time of general peace and prosperity.