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The sea that forms the northern boundary of Africa is the Mediterranean Sea. The countries of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt border it.

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Q: What sea forms the northern boundary of Africa?
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What sea forms the northernb boundery of Africa?

The Mediterranean Sea is on the northern boundary of Africa.

What sea forms the boundary of Africa?

The sea that forms the northern boundary of Africa is the Mediterranean Sea. The countries of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt border it.

What body of water of water forms the northern boundary of the of Africa?

Mediterranean Sea

What is Africa's northern boundary?

Africa's northern boundary is typically considered to be the Mediterranean Sea, which separates Africa from Europe. This boundary runs from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Red Sea in the east.

What sea forms Africa northern border?

The Mediterranean Sea

What body of water forms the northern boundary of the continent of Africa?

The Mediterranean Sea borders noth of Africa

Why is the Mediterranean Sea significant to Africa?

It forms the northern boundary of Africa and so some countries in north Africa have coastlines on the Mediterranean Sea. They would have some big ports and it would be important for trade. There would also be tourism for people who want to go to places that have a Mediterranean coast. So it is very significant for that part of Africa.

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Red Sea

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The boundary between Africa and Asia is the Red Sea.

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The Mediterranean Sea

What were The eastern and western in northern boundaries of Egypt in settlement?

The eastern boundary of ancient Egypt was typically the Red Sea, although it varied at times. The western boundary was the Western Desert. The northern boundary was the Mediterranean Sea.

Which continent s form the boundary of the Mediterranean sea?

Europe, Asia, and Africa form the boundary of the Mediterranean Sea. Europe is to the north, Asia to the east, and Africa to the south.