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You will turn into stone if Medusa wasnt looking at you but if st you he was looking at you, you will turn into an stone

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Q: What supposed to happen when you gaze into Medusa?
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Why is the name Medusa appropiate for a type of cement?

Medusa's gaze turned mortals to stone.

How does nature relate to medusa?

Medusa's ability to gaze at men and make them stone is likened to coral.

How does Perseus punish the wicked King Polydectes and his followers?

He unveils the head of Medusa and turns her gaze towards King Polydectes, because even in death Medusa's gaze can turn things to stone.

Who had a stone gaze in greek mythology?

Medusa (the lady with the snakes for hair)

Is Medusa in The Bible?

No, Medusa is a Gorgon from Greek mythology.

Can Medusa be defeated by reflecting her gaze?

In the myth Perseus and Medusa, Medusa did not have a petrifying gaze. She was so hideous in appearance that anyone who looked at her was turned to stone. Perseus uses a polished shield to look at her reflection instead of at her and was able to approach her and cut off her head with a sword.

Did Medusa kill someone?

Medusa killed many "someones." With her gaze she could turn people to stone and she made use of that gift.

What happens when Medusa looks at her reflection in the mirror?

When Medusa looks at her reflection in the mirror, she does not turn to stone because she is immune to her own gaze.

Is Medusa a folktale?

Medusa is a character from Greek mythology, not a folktale. She is often depicted as a monster with snakes for hair, whose gaze turns people into stone.

Was Medusa immortal?

In Greek mythology, Medusa was not immortal. She was a mortal Gorgon who could turn people into stone with her gaze. She was eventually killed by the hero Perseus.

Was Medusa an archer?

No, Medusa is typically depicted as a gorgon with snakes for hair and the ability to turn people into stone with her gaze. She is not associated with archery.

What are the consequences of looking directly into Medusa's eyes and being turned to stone by her deadly gaze, particularly in relation to her infamous medusa hands?

Looking directly into Medusa's eyes can turn a person to stone, as her gaze is deadly. This means that if someone looks at her directly, they will be transformed into a statue. In relation to her infamous medusa hands, it is believed that anyone who touches her with their bare hands will also be turned to stone.