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The fields of anthropology and Archaeology are vital to understanding mythology. They provide both the framework and timeline of antiquated cultures. Mythology is, after all, a human record of historical belief structures that speak just as much to core of humanity. On a personal level, a love of literature and the imagination alongside a natural curiosity are prerequisites to grasp aspects of the universal symbology, most of which still exists today in its modern religious equivalents to varying degrees.

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Why are monsters important to Greek mythology?

i believe that "monsters" are important to greek mythology because the monsters represent what people fear the most. and the gods represent how to overcome those fears. it was to help the ancient Greeks explain things that, maybe, they didnt understand or didnt know how to cope with.

In greek mythology what is the power of pearls?

In greek mythology the pearls were used to help you travel out of the underworld once you were in it. Hades wife created them to help people leave the underworld. hope this helps!! :)

What are some of the heroic traits of Aeolus in Greek mythology?

Some of the heroic traits of Aeolus in Greek mythology would be that he would release storms at the other gods commands and would also help by setting sail to those out on the waters and doing other things that needed wind to work.

Is Daedalus real?

no, Daedalus as like all of the rest of the Greek Gods and Goddess were made up in the olden days to help the people understand why things were like they were

Who made the Roman myths?

Well, the Romans didn't so much as make it, as they did help grow it. You see, mythology is like language, it has no creator but millions of contributors These contributors make the myths grew and change into many wonderful things. The Romans Mythology partly grew from Greek Mythology, as well its own homegrown tales. Eventually, the homegrown became inseparable from the Greek myths, until one great large Mythology rich in stories, depth, and history was to be the cultural legacy of the Romans.

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