The three creatures Utnapishtim sends out to see if there is land are three birds. He sent a dove, a raven, and a swallow.
Odysseus sent two men and the man under them to the land of the Lotus Eaters to see what type of people the Lotus Eaters were, if they were friendly and the like.
Zeus appointed Paris, the prince of Troy, to choose between Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera for the most beautiful. He chose Aphrodite, and was given Helen, which started the Trojan war.
Living in a poor agricultural land, the sea gave them the avenue for trade and to send out their surplus populations to establish new cities around the Mediterranean and Black Sea littorals. It was also a primary means for piracy and warfare.
Telemachus doesnt send his mom to her room rudely it was actually showing that he was coming to age and his mother knew this and was proud
You cannot send a letter to the Greek Gods because they are mythical. The postal service does not deliver letters to mythical places. You can pray to the gods which is similar to sending a letter.
On the seventh day, Utnapishtim sent out a dove that came back after finding no resting place. He then sent out a Swallow who also returned with no sign of land. Then, he sent out a Raven who found land and never came back.
Odysseus sent two men and the man under them to the land of the Lotus Eaters to see what type of people the Lotus Eaters were, if they were friendly and the like.
The deep sea creatures use a sonar type system to send waves and see how long it takes to get back to them ; like a dolphin
First the chair guy and the guy with the number three. Send the chair guy back. then send the girl in the dress with the old lady. Send the guy with the number three to the right side then send the chair guy with the dude in the suit. Send the chair guy back and send him with the number three guy. You will be left with one minute to spare.
because everyone is dumb
please tell me three ways you could send information in the 1920
To the land of death
Professor Drake sends you to the library to check out the book "Magical Creatures and Where to Find Them".
The surface of Jupiter is not solid!
to hold the land they had to send settlers.
She sends him to the land of the dead to talk with Tireasais