Cronus/Cronos Answer 2: No, sorry, it was Saturnus (Saturn).
Zeus's father was the titan called Kronus. Zeus cut him up and left him in the pit of Tarturus.
One god is poseidon god of the sea Zeus god of gods. Cronos father of Hades,Poseidon & Zeus
It actually has two meanings: 1) As a masculine name it is a medieval pet form of Robert (which was derived from the Germanic words 'hrod' - 'fame' and 'beraht' - 'bright, famous'). 2) It can also be used as a feminine name, being derived from the English vocabulary word for a bird.
Cronos's birth name is Conrad Lant.
it is derived from COMPatability And Quality.
Doctors and nurses, as you can see the four words means adventure or stages and the three words after means sick and the last two derived from the french. You do the math.
The ancient Roman name for Cronus was Saturn.
His name is Kronos not cronos, and yes, Kronos did go into Lukes body, deep into his body, if you know what I mean.
Yes, Kronos/Kronus/Cronos/Cronus
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Due to the confusion with the Greek word Chronos or Time, Cronos was conceived also as a personification of Time, described as eternally young never old.
logradic ? Family: Trochillidae
"Volcano" is derived from the name of the Island of Vulcano, which got its name from the Roman god of fire, Vulcan.