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Zeus and hades

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Q: What two Greek gods are most different?
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What two characteristics identify and describe Greek religion?

the different religion is like greek gods and roman gods see they didn't believe in just 1 god they believed in many

How were roman gods related to the greek gods?

They were not; they came from two different peoples, and when Romans took over Greece their gods and goddesses were adopted and adapted to the Roman people.

What is the counterpart of Mars in greek mythology?

His Greek name was Ares. There are some people who think that Ares and Mars were two separate Gods, but in truth, the Romans ripped off most of the Gods and Goddesses from the Greeks.

Why are Roman and Greek gods considered to be the same?

Roman and Greek gods are considered to be the same because the Romans adopted many of the Greek gods and goddesses into their own religion, often giving them different names but maintaining similar attributes and roles. This syncretism occurred due to the cultural and political connections between the two civilizations.

Does Saturn have any other names?

Yes and no. Saturn is the Roman version of the Greek god Cronus. The thing is is that they are two very different gods with very different myths.

What is the biggest difference between roman and greek gods?

Greek Mythology is around 1000 years earlier. Also, according to each mythology, the world started differently. Sure, the names may be the same, and heroes are similar, each mythology shows different aspects of the culture.

What two Greek gods believed in immortality?

All of them believed in it; they were immortal.

Who are Zeus two brothers from greek mythology?

In Greek mythology, Zeus's two brothers are Poseidon and Hades. Poseidon is the god of the sea, while Hades is the ruler of the underworld. Together, they were known as the three most powerful gods in the Greek pantheon.

What is a catchy title for and article for the Greek gods Apollo and Poseidon?

"A Tale of Two Gods: Apollo and Poseidon in Greek Mythology"

Are the Romans related to the Athens?

No. Rome was after Athens and they are Italian while the people of Athens are Greek. Two different people, two different cultures. The Romans did steal some ideas and gods from the Greeks and gave them a Roman twist.

Why did the Romans used the Greek gods but changed their names?

The 'Roman Names' were worshiped and known to the Romans before the Greek; when the Greek people were conquered, their gods and goddesses were incorporated into the Roman gods and goddesses; so it is that it is near impossible to now tell the difference between the two. That, by the way, was a common practice of the Romans, adopting the gods and goddesses of the people they conquered/ruled.

Where did the Greek Titan Atlas live?

The Titans were the elder gods. They came before the lesser gods, which are the gods of mythology. Two of the most famous Titans were Atlas and Prometheus.