Actors in the Elizabethan era who performed Shakespeare's plays most commonly wore their everyday clothes and therefore it was more important for them to be good actors (in order to make their roles believable to the audience).
In modern times, costume is far more open to interpretation. Lots of theatre companies and film directors nowadays use elaborate costumes that mimic what the people in the time the play is set would have worn. Some filmmakers choose to not emulate the costumes of the Elizabethan era and instead dress their character in modern garb (for example Baz Luhrmann's Romeo & Juliet)
Interestingly, in the times of Shakespeare (the Elizabethan era) women were not allowed to perform in theatre companies. Instead, men with soft facial features (or pre-pubescent boys) dressed up as women in order to play these female roles.
they wore clothing that a person made by hand (no machines in their time)
they wear nothing go around naked
It depends where Odysseus was at the time. If he was at home, a tunic or a headdress. If he was on the battlefield, at sea, or on an adventure, then he would be wearing armor.
She would more than likely wear the standard Greek chiton (in expensive fabric) for everyday use. When she was in public she liked dressing up as the goddess Isis and would wear the clothing associated with her.
Everyone does wear a type of clothing.
what type of clothing do FBI wear
They didn't wear nothing. They wore clothes.
what kind of clothing did the Pawnee wear
American clothing.
Mostly everyday clothing. As the characters in the plays are often aristocratic, the playing company had to have upper-class type clothes, generally the cast-offs of some generous member of the nobility. In the one drawing we have of a contemporary performance (The Peacham Drawing), characters in ancient Rome wear ordinary clothes and a toga over top to show they are Romans.
light clothing
i think they wear silk
normal clothing, modern clothing, traditional clothing