The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.
The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.
The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.
The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.
The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.
The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.
The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.
The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.
The form of government established by the Romans after the kings was the republic.
What we actually know from the Roman tradition was that the last king of Rome (Tarquinius Priscus) was deposed in a rebellion because he was a tyrant. The Romans decided to do away with the Roman monarchy and establish the Roman Republic. The popular view that the Etruscans dominated Rome is not an established historical fact. Even though it has become popular, it is just a theory and it is based on very flimsy evidence and on unproven assumptions. It is likely that there were no Etruscan conquest. More ancient archaeological evidence suggests a different picture. The only written evidence was that the Roman monarchy was abolished, not that the Romans defeated the Etruscans.
To seem more powerful
r u from the grade 8
Unlike many later people like the Romans, there was nobody for them to copy off.
i dont know and why are u cheating?? wernt you paying attention in class!
Greeks were the first people to create the myths about gods Romans stole them and changed them when they took over Greece.But the father of the gods was Cronos the titan lord of time and the titans ruled before the gods.
First an oligarchy and then a developing limited democracy.
yoyo and piano
Basically ,the reason for the Romans overthrowing the Etruscan king was resentment at being arbitrarily ruled by an outsider. They wanted a form of government where they could have an input in their own affairs. They knew about the democratic form of government in Athens and sent a committee over there to study it. They adapted the Greek form of democracy to their needs and came up with the republic, with two people sharing top power for a limit of one year.
Yes, most civilizations do, but the things they do to achieve that is wrong.
In a nutshell, the Romans ousted their king, sent a committee to Greece to study their method of government, and then Romnized and applied the basic Greek principles.
In 509 BC the Romans created the Roman Republic after overthrowing the last king of Rome, who was a tyrant, in a rebellion and deciding to abolish the Roman Monarchy.
In 509 BC the Romans created the Roman Republic after overthrowing the last king of Rome, who was a tyrant, in a rebellion and deciding to abolish the Roman Monarchy.
Turnips were around before the Romans.
False because he built a strong army that defeated the armies of the rivaling states at least that's
the Romans did create the bridges.
Based on what i read on page 328,paragraph 1, the government the Romans created in 509 BC was a republic.