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Q: What warrior was only stopped by the weakness in his heel?
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What is the meaning of Achilles' heel?

It is a person's point of weakness. Achilles, according to legend, was dunked in the River Styx by his mother Thetis when he was a baby. She wanted to make him immortal. While dunking him, she held him by the heel. This is the only body part that was not immortal. During the Trojan War, Paris shot him in the heel, killing him. His heel was his only weak point, hence his "Achilles Heel.'

Who is Achilles and what was the importance of his heel?

Achilles Heel is an old saying about a guy who is invincible except for his heel. the moral is that everybody has a weakness. Example: The spiders are her Achilles Heel or it means: the only thing that can scare her are spiders .His mother dipped all of Achilles in the river Styx all except his heel. He was invincible everywhere except his heels because of that

What happens to Achilles in the Trojan war?

Achilles was dipped into the River Styx from his heel when he was a baby by his mother Thetis, which allowed him to become nearly invincible. His only weakness was his heel. Achilles was in war and fought for the Greeks. He got shot with an arrow through his heel and it killed him.

What is the name of the Trojan warrior who killed Achilles in the Trojan War?

Paris killed Achilles, with an arrow (in his heel, the only vulnerable spot on his body). or the other legend is that Paris stabbed Achillies in the back with a dagger.

Who was archilles?

Achilles was one of the best heroes in Greek mythology. No weapon or man could ever harm him when he was young. His mother was a goddess and wanted to share her immortality with him by dipping him into the River Styx so he would have an impenetrable hide. The only thing was that his heel was covered by his mother's thumb, his weak spot. He appeared in Homer's Iliad and was shot by a poisoned arrow in his tendon in his heel. The term Achilles Tendon or Achilles Heel pertains to a person's weakness.

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What greek warrior was stopped only by the weakness of his heals?

Osama bin laden

Why was the arrow in Achilles heel the only place an arrow could cause his death?

his heel was his weakness. there is no specific reason, just that for Achilles in particular his heel was his one weakness.

What is a example of allusions in a song?

Achilles' heel is an excellent example of an allusion. Say somebody has a certain weakness that can be taken advantage of. That weakness is the person's "Achilles' heel" because according to mythology, Achilles was immortal except for his heel that was not dipped into the River of Styx, A.K.A. his only weakness.

What was Achilles secret?

Well since his only weakness was his heel I guess that would have to be his secret.

What is meant by the saying you have discovered his Achilles' heel?

Achilles is a famous "indestructible" Roman solider. The only part of his body that could be harmed was his right heel. His right heel was his weakness, so when someone finds your one weakness it is often called your Achilles heel. Except, he wasn't Roman, he was Greek.

Why is a weak point called an Achilles Heel?

Achilles is a famous greek warrior and his only weak spot was his heel. that's why its called an Achilles heel. it means a weak spot.

Can you give me an expression word Achilles heel?

"Achilles heel" is an idiom that refers to a person's weak point or vulnerability. It originates from the Greek myth of Achilles, whose only vulnerable spot was his heel.

What is the meaning of Achilles' heel?

It is a person's point of weakness. Achilles, according to legend, was dunked in the River Styx by his mother Thetis when he was a baby. She wanted to make him immortal. While dunking him, she held him by the heel. This is the only body part that was not immortal. During the Trojan War, Paris shot him in the heel, killing him. His heel was his only weak point, hence his "Achilles Heel.'

Who was the best greek warrior?

Mythology claims Achilles, only problem is the mythic version could only kill people because he was basically Superman minus the whole heel thing. He was as strong as an average warrior but, sans his heel, he was invulnerable like Superman. In reality, it was probably the Spartan Leonidas.

What does Achilles mean?

Achilles's name means "the grief of the people."

What achievements did Paris of Troy make during the Trojan War?

Paris managed to kill Achilles, the great warrior, by wounding his heel with an arrow. Achilles' heel was his only mortal point on his invulnerable body, which is where the saying 'Achilles' heel' comes from.

What does the following phrase mean mean your only weakness is in your Achilles' Heel?

The question doesn't make sense because it's stating the obvious. The term 'Achilles' heel' refers to a person in Greek Mythology who was the son of an immortal nymph who tried to make him immortal by dipping him in the river Styx. She forgot to wet the heel she held him by, thus making him immortal, all but his heel. So when we refer to someone's 'Achilles' heel' we are referring to their weak spot. So the question doesn't make sense because one's 'Achilles' heel' is one's only weakness so it's an obvious question.