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None at all. He was a Roman god with no Greek equivalent.

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Q: What was Argus' domain in Greek mythology?
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Who is the hundred eyed person in Greek mythology?


In greek mythology who is a creature with 100 eyes?

Argus Panoptes

Wh is Argus Flich the caretaker of Hogwarts named after?

Argus is a watchful giant from Greek mythology. "Filch",  of course, is slang for "steal".

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100 eyes or Argus. Argus was a giant from Greek mythology

Which giand in Greek mythology had 100 eyes?

Argus, who guarded Io, had many eyes. After being killed, Hera placed them on the feathers of a peacock.

Meaning of argus eyed?

In Greek mythology, Argus is the hundred-eyed servant of Hera. The term "argus" is widely used for anything that is always watchful. It is a popular name for security systems, for example.

What is Zeus' domain of influence?

the sky and all of the gods of Greek mythology

Which bird received Argus's eyes from Hera in Greek mythology?

After Argus was killed, Hera took his many eyes and placed them on a bird's tail, now known as a Peacock or the Common Pea Fowl.

What is the Greek god Hermes's domain?

He is alive and well in mythology messenger. thieves. medicine.

Who is the giant with 100 eyes in Greek Mythology?

The giant with 100 eyes in Greek mythology is Argus Panoptes. He was a giant with countless eyes all over his body and was known for his ability to see everything around him at all times. Argus was eventually slain by Hermes in order to free Io.

Why was The Eastern Argus an appropriate name for a newspaper?

"The Eastern Argus" was an appropriate name for a newspaper as the word "Argus" in Greek mythology refers to a giant with many eyes who could see everything. This symbolizes the newspaper's role in providing thorough coverage and information about events in the Eastern region.

What argus symbolize?

In Greek mythology, Argus is a creature with many eyes, typically symbolizing watchfulness, vigilance, and awareness. This symbol is often associated with being alert and observant, reflecting the idea of being mindful and vigilant in various situations.